Tag Archives: Fisk Industries

Fisk in Manhattan written by Ben Urich

Outstanding, mysterious philanthropist Wilson Fisk has just revealed some big news! Fisk states to the press that he was moving his headquarters to Manhattan. Fisk Industries is currently constructing their base of operations known as Fisk Tower near the Empire State Building and Hell’s Kitchen. The largely known humanitarian also mentioned spreading his company across the east coast and maybe working with Oscorp on some future projects. After asked about Robert Foswell, a reporter for the Daily Bugle supposedly murdered by one of Fisk’s employees, he revealed he has no information on the case and that the NYPD has released nothing to him However, Fisk announced,

If I do find that there is a criminal involved in my business, I will make sure to rid of him immediately! All of my employees are being background checked this month and that is all I have to say.

Jonah Jameson, chief and editor of the Daily Bugle, says that he does not trust Fisk Industries and it should stay away from Manhattan but refuses to state why. Do you agree with Jameson? And if so, why?
See full story here.